About Us

Surveycal.com is home to a range of surveying tools designed to make the job of surveyors simpler and faster. Founded by Azeez Onifade, a surveyor with over 7 years of experience, Surveycal aims to provide easy-to-use and accurate surveying calculators for fieldwork and mapping tasks.

Our intuitive surveying tools allow field measurements to be entered effortlessly on desktop or mobile to compute desired results quickly based on robust geodetic algorithms.

All calculators are engineered to deliver reliable and precise results as per official surveying standards. Our mission is to make surveying computations easy so surveyors can focus on core field tasks.

Azeez Onifade, the founder of Surveycal, leverages his in-depth expertise in geo-spatial measurements to create trusted technology solutions for common surveying calculations. At Surveycal, we are committed to continuous improvement guided by user feedback.

Our tools are employed by field surveyors, civil engineers, geospatial professionals, students, and surveying enthusiasts. We aim to assist both novice and expert users with the everyday computations required for accurate survey mapping.